15 Jul


We had a good night of sleep at the hotel which helped us recover from our bad day on the road yesterday. We ate a good breakfast and got back on the road a bit before 11:00.

We headed south towards Tjøtta, the weather was really sunny and the road very quiet, it felt so nice!

We passed on the side of De syv søstre (The seven sisters). A chain of 7 summits located along the road.

We stopped a bit further to visit a cosy church with a pretty good view on the coast.

We biked the 38km separating Sandnesssjøen and Tjøtta in a bit more than 2h. We were really enjoying the ride.

In Tjøtta we decided to deviate from the EuroVelo 1 route that we have been following so far and decided to visit the island named Vega instead. It was recommended to us by the German bikepackers that we met two days before. The ferry took 1h and we arrived in Vega, it was still really sunny. We biked on the island, it was really peaceful and we even enjoyed our first gravel roads of the trip!

We biked to the other side of the island to take a look at the Vegatrappa (The stairs of Vega). It is just 300 stairs that can be taken to climb the mountain and enjoy the view. We were too afraid to ruin our legs that we just climbed a few.

We finished our loop of the island and we stopped by a supermarket to buy some food that we enjoyed on the ferry on our way to Horn. We did 10 more km to stop in a camping for the night.

The camping has a very interesting style and even a museum of vintage objects and furniture which is quite interesting.

We are about to enjoy a good night of sleep in our tent after a really good day on the bike. We biked 93km and we are getting closer to Trondheim. We hope to reach it in 5 days which was our initial planning. Unfortunately it seems that we should have bad weather again, we will see how it goes.

More pictures from this beautiful day:

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