17 Jul


The day started early, we left the camping after packing our things. The breakfast didn’t take us a lof time as we only had one cereal bar for each left. Our goal was to reach the next supermarket located 20km away. We reached it after a bit more of 1h of biking through a very green area. We enjoyed a very good breakfast there, we could even eat inside which felt good as it was quite humid and cold outside.

We went back on the road towards the south to catch the ferry in Hoffles, located 40km away. Again it started to rain heavily, but this time we could soon reach a garbage disposal on the side of the road to protect ourselves for few minutes. Better smelly than wet!

Some kilometers later we reached the town of Kolvereid. We stopped to enjoy a piece of cake and realized that we had only 1h to catch the ferry located 17km away. Despite having front wind and some climbs we managed to catch the ferry just in time.

We crossed with the ferry and we arrived in Lund! Wait, were we already in Sweden? 

Lund is actually quite a common Nordic name and can be found in all Scandinavia. Baptiste was really happy to take a picture with the sign.

The Norwegian Lund is much smaller than the Swedish Lund as it probably has no more than 12 inhabitants.

It was also the first time that we saw Trondheim on a Eurovelo sign. Only 237km left!

In Lund we also had to make a decision about what to do, we had already done 60km and the next town, Namsos, was 50km away. Surprisingly there was absolutely no village nor shelter between Lund and Namsos.

We were confident in ourselves to give it a try to reach Namsos. The road was first following the coast, then we went through a pretty decent climb and then realized: what a view!

The road continued between the mountains, it had been few days since we had such a wow feeling. We understood why there was nothing between Lund and Namsos, we were going through a very wild area.

There were some interesting spectators on the side of the road.

At some point we passed a bridge with spectacular points of view.

Those amazing landscapes helped us to get motivated and reach Namsos. We also took some remote gravel road to reach our camping. It was very quiet, we felt like biking in the middle of the forest.

We biked in total 115km during the day, it was long but extremely enjoyable at the same time.

We reached the camping before 9:00pm, we set up the tent, ate dinner and crashed in the tent, pretty tired.

More pictures of this beautiful day:

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